By Craig Bates |
To make sure we keep the website as responsive as possible and keep your data as secure as possible, we've been performing some upgrades behind the seens to make sure we are using the latest technologies and standards. Not only this, but we can now offer 2 new features. Embedded Social Feeds For those of us who are not too savvy with social media, or else simply want to see what we have been up to at a glance when visiting us, we've added embeds for both our Facebook and X (formerly Twitter) feed towards the bottom of our main page. Newsletters If you are a registered member of Walsall Eyes, you will now be able to subscribe to various newsletters, depending upon what aspects of our work you are interested in. Updates will be sent out to you periodically depending upon what is going on in that field, and as per any other reputable source, you will be able to subscribe and unsubscribe from them as you wish. Please note that only site administrators will have visibility of your email address and which newsletters you are receiving - this information is not and will not be shared with or made visible to anybody else. Thank you and take care, Craig Bates - Technical Officer